Sunday, May 18, 2014

When 1% Means Thousands Times More Than Just 1%

My Goo,

It's like we hit the pause button and now we hit play.
This thing that we do, the feelings that we have, the moments that we shared...they are unique.
May not happen once in someone's life time.
So, I cherish this...

I realise that we do not need to define everything in life.
As I grew older, I understand that not all things are black or white.
Sometime, it just what it is.

Can I ask a favor from you?
This time, please don't freak out...and don't assume.
We both agreed that assumptions often lead to negative thoughts.
I know that words are never your strong suits but at least try out first okay?
I'll be patient...
Let us talk everything out, express everything, and just start fresh.

Open up new fresh pages for new stories.
Let me meet you halfway...

"1% maybe insignificant to others but it's never for me."

You matter that much...!


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