Monday, May 19, 2014

Over A Cup of Tea

My Goo,

It's a cold day here...we had thunderstorm since a little pass afternoon. 
And I'm not well today, been having fever since last night. 
Thus, I'm shivering cold. 

I still have plenty of time until my next meeting, so I decided to find some coffee shop and have a steaming hot cup of tea for passing the time during this nightmare of a weather. 

I choose the corner seat by the window. 
You know how much I love the rains, yeah...this is thunderstorm but it still counts as rain. :)

I see the people going in and out of the coffee shop, most with their big umbrella which barely protects them from the rain, some came with raincoats, dripping wet from head to toes. The coffee shop become so packed in just matter of minutes. 

I hold the steaming hot cup of earl grey, hoping to warm my self up. It worked a little, stop shivering for a bit.

Okay, I'm a bit warm now and gotta go to my meeting. 

Have a great day Goo...
Just want you to know that even the thunderstorm makes me think of you. 


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