Friday, January 3, 2014

The Point of No Return

I'm used to having you in my everyday life. 
I can call you whenever and tell you everything about my day, my ups and downs. 
I've become dependent to you. 
Something that I have promised my self that I wont do ever again, becoming dependent to someone. 
And when you're not here like this, I feel like the ground below my feet has been lifted and I have no place to stand. 
I hate this...
This person who I become is not me. 

Still no news from you, it's been a very long and painful 4 days. 
I'm starting to think that you have stopped caring and maybe even stopped loving me. 
Cause you seem dont even try to make any contact. 

Call me selfish but I do think that I have the rights, we're in this relationship together after all. 

Anger starting to fill up my heart. 
This isnt fair Goo, just as simple as that. 

Maybe this is emotions talking but...I'm walking away now. 
Away from us and our feelings. 
We have our own limitations and I have certainly reached mine. 

- Jane -

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