Saturday, January 4, 2014

Another Sleepless Night

I admit that I'm mad at you. 
Mad at this stupid little test that you've put us through. 
Mad at me for not being able to do anything to change it. 
Mad at me for the person that I've become. 
But especially mad at you for not showing any effort towards us nor me. 

This whole thing made me question a lot of things. 
Over thinking leads to negative thoughts, isnt it?
And you know me, I tend to overthink things. 
Better add that to my list : Jane, the over-thinker. 

Anyway, I do owe it to you and to us. 
Let us talk, let me understand your side of the story. 
And let us decide on what to do next. 

Stupid little test
Stupid little Jane with all her worriness (worried too much might I add). 

The same old Jane with slight alteration to her feelings. 

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