Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fortune Favors The Bold

My Goo,

I'm feeling so blessed. 
Good fortune is in my favor. 
Grateful for my impromptu meeting schedule in your office's area. 
I got to see you  :)
On the very last night you're in this city. 

I love to see your smile when you first saw always, made my heart skip a beat. 
I love how you extend your hand, kinda asking me to take it and hold it. 
I love how you help me cross the road, how you switch sides between lanes. 
Do you realize that you always do these things?

Those small things that matter. 
It matters a great deal to me. 

Gonna be a very long 3 weeks for sure.  
Be safe okay Goo, that's all I asked of you. 

Not a goodbye...
So...I'll see you soon then. 


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