Monday, December 8, 2014

Will You Goo?

Dear Goo,

Another day in the beginning to hate this.
You're in town but am out of town, well...that sucks.
Makes us value every chance we can get of being together, huh?

I can't sleep last night, being in a different city every single night really gets me hard.
This is worse than a jet lag, am disoriented, forgetting of what city I am now at.
And I miss you, dunno why, I re-read our old messages, back to the beginning of our story. Feels like time traveling.

In a way, I guess that I needed it...
Cause my heart begins to weaken and faded.
It's not that my feelings for you have changed or anything.
It just tired I think.
Tired of being lonely, tired of being apart from you, tired of facing everything by my self.
I'm not used to it, I'm not equipped to this kind of relationship.
Cause I never been in one.

We both know that it would be hard, right from the beginning.
I know that it will be hard but maybe I just thought that it may not be this hard.
To be honest with you Goo, I lost faith sometime and considered of giving up.
But...when I look back and think about everything, about you, about us...I found a little piece of courage and it made me wanna fight some more battles.
I want you...that simple.

I'm willing to face pretty much anything.
I'm willing to deal with any kind of heartache.
I'm willing to fight.
I really wanna make us work.

What about you Goo?
Will you face it with me?
Will you deal it with me?
Will you fight this with me?

I love you Goo...with every fibre of my being, I love you too much, I don't wanna lose you.

I gotta go now, time to catch another flight.
Talk to you soon.

Yours in despair,

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