Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I Miss You So Much It Hurts

My dear Jane,

I'm sorry for not be able to write to you as much as I wanted to. 
The condition here is worse than I thought. 
I ask for your understanding. 
Bear with me through this time apart, will you dear?

But I am well, the work loads are okay and my survival skills are at test. 
Please dont worry...no need to worry, I assure you. 

The hardest thing is...you. 
Being away from you, not being able to hear your voice, not being able to see your smile...
I miss you so much...
You're right, miss you so much it hurts. 

Your stories in your blog entries really help me...
Those are my remedy. 

10 more days...
I dont want to count days actually, it's only making it worse. 
But I cant help it...being here sucks. 

Please write to me as often as you could. 
I need the distraction, I welcome the distraction. 
Cause you are my fave kind of distraction. 

I love you so much...
I miss you terribly...
I cant wait to see you...

Always waiting for your distraction,

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