Monday, May 19, 2014

The Best Plan Is Not To Plan

It was raining hard that morning. 
I even struggled to get up from my bed, something that almost never happen to me. 
I called to wake you up and told you that I'm getting ready then drive to the coffee shop just around the corner from your place. 

The rain was still pouring hard by the time I got to the coffee shop. 
I ordered cappucino while waiting for you, I need my morning fix of cafeine before I start my day. 
I opened my book, started to read while enjoying my ciggy and cappucino. 
I didn't even notice when you came.
I suddenly hear your voice "Hey dear.." And  you kissed me by the forehead. 
I always love it when you do that, took me by surprise. 
Just like that, you've brighten up my mood and got me excited to start the day with you. 

"Are you ready or do you want to finish your coffee first?" You asked me while taking the seat next to me. 

"Do you mind if we wait here for a while, at least until the rain stop?" I said while putting away my book into my bag and focussing only to him. 

"Sure. Let me order something first." Then he kissed me by the forehead again while he's standing up. 
Stupid heart...after all these time, I thought that I might get a better hold on my own heart. It's still beating fast every single time he did that. 

We talked about the night before. 
This is kind of our morning ritual, discussing the detail of what happened when we're not together. 
Time always pass by fast whenever we're together. 

"The rain has stopped, shall we get going now Goo? We have a lot of things to do today."

He held my hand, opened the door and we walked hand-in-hand to my car. 
A warm feeling crawled up to my heart. 
I felt safe, I felt happy...
"I love you Goo..." And gave him the happiest smile accross my face.

"I love you too dear." He pulled me closer to him, put his hand around my waist and  kissed my forehead again. 

This story is one of the reason why I believe that most of the time, our happiest moment happen when we do not plan anything. It just happen. 

What we need to do is to let it happen. 
Sometime the best plan is not to plan. 

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