Wednesday, January 9, 2013

On a Rainy Day Just Like Today

My Goo,

I dreamt of you last night and I woke up crying...
I miss you so much, it hurts...

It's been raining non stop since last night
And it got me back to that rainy day of ours
The day when we had our first kiss
Remember that day Goo?

We were running, trying to get out of the rain and to find shelter
We were standing under the tree and you held my hand
You pulled me close and kissed me...

And that is the kind of first kiss that any girl won't be able to forget Goo...
I even get butterflies in my stomach just by remembering it

So Goo, whenever it's raining just remember that day...
Under the tree and pouring rain
And maybe just maybe, it'll be easier for us...

I love u Goo
Until next time...


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